Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The book i'm reading is called bone the eyes of the storm and it is written by jeff smith.
in the book they fight,get mad at each other,they move away.
I pick this book because i though it will be good for me to read.

My favorite part of the book was when grandpa was at the bar because it is funny when they fight. they were best friends now they are not friends.then they have to run from people at the bar.i pick this part of the book because i think it is cool.

Do you like your book why are why not?i like my book because it has pictures for me to look at.and i can really under stand the book.it gives a little bite about a movie i have seen. and in the book there is people looking for them.

what is the best part of your book you are reading?i have to best part of the book is when thorns grandma walks through the wood in the dark.and thorn runs after her and starts crying because she can not find her.but then finds her under the logs.

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